• I sometimes do a reading challenge on Goodreads. If you want to chat about books, poetry and ML research feel free to reach out!

  • From 2019-2020, I worked as a research assistant on the Underwater 3D Reconstruction Project.

  • In 2019, I got a paper accepted at one of the NeurIPS workshops on Graph Representation Learning. But getting a visa for Canada was a nightmare. Here is my interview with Hannah Ziady on bias and how researchers from third world countries are denied visa for attending the most prestigious conference

  • I also dabbled in a startup gig called Silicon14 (Tweak Labs) Inc. which I co-founded (I was the CTO :P) while I was in my second year of undergraduate studies. It dealt with developing novel hardware augmentations for enabling rapid prototyping of embedded systems/IoT projects. We designed a new line of micro-controller development boards. The board won the “Best Practical US-Based Project” in a contest organized by Hackster.io. I was featured in local newspapers highlighting my entrepreneurial journey - Super30 Startups, Deccan Herald .